SkipDr disc grinder

SkipDr disc grinder

The cost for the SkipDr disc grinder twenty to forty dollars and replacement parts about thirteen dollars . It can bought off the internet or depending on location this product could be found in Walmart too. This accessory is to get rid of the super deep scratches off of disc.It works for CDs and Nintendo Mini disc Blu Ray I think it getting the right cleaning spray. . To run it the person does need six AA batteries the cleaning spray along with a microfiber cloth. To use first the person needs to spray their damage disc with the cleaning spray.Then gently set the disc into the grinder with the reflective side towards the part that looks like it part of a fan and let the disc spin two rotations.This can be tricker with the Nintendo mini disc but the disc holder can be adjusted for those disc too. To make sure pick a part of the graphic side to remember then it not really an issue. Then wipe the disc with the cloth. The SkipDr disc grinder can even get rid of scratches from disc that been cooked in the game system too.

The two issues the SkipDr disc grinder don't have the batteries or the cleaning spay this is a piece of plastic. The other issue I ran across is the SkipDr disc grinder has a piece out of alignment so it doesn't rotate the disc so it pointless to run. This product is good for people that really want revive older disc or keep their disc in peek condition.

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