Product details
: Paperback
: Non-fiction
: Art
A compelling showcase spanning seventransformative years. During an impressive period--2005through 2012--Mark Schultz turned his attention to producing a body ofpersonal works and private commissions. The results, collected in the five VariousDrawings volumes, focused on subjects about which Schultz feels mostpassionate. Among them are characters and tableaux pulled from mythology, science-fantasy and pulp adventure, featuring steely warriors and femmefatales--his popular pulpette women included. Schultz's Xenozoic world isprofusely explored through a series of dynamic compositions with hisprotagonists, Jack and Hannah, placed in a variety of impossibly dangeroussituations. In addition to his self-generated pieces, there are many examplesof Schultz's commercial works done for comics, film and books, as well asrenderings of newly discovered dinosaurs and more. Portfolio compiles thedrawings found in the original five Various Drawings volumes as well asthe cover illustrations and special bookplates. Plus, an additional 160 pagesworth of material adds dozens of works not previously collected. Foundwithin are nearly 450 fully rendered drawings executed in brush-and-ink, carbonor graphite pencil. In addition, Schultz shows his process with a wealth ofpreliminary sketches done for a range of projects, including his Storms atSea illustrated novella. Add to this rare sketchbook material andSchultz's increasing exploration of color-tinted imagery, and you have onefascinating and diverse portfolio!
Product Weight
5 lb