Bad UFOs discusses some of the most famous and controversial UFO cases of all time, from a rational and scientific perspective: the Betty and Barney Hill 'UFO abduction' account the Phoenix Lights the Roswell 'UFO crash,' and ...
Engaging and entertaining, this book is the most up-to-date on the UFO phenomenon--unique because it gives the reader a broad overview of the world of UFOlogy, dealing with most major cases and trends, while offering references and ...
For more than thirty years, Robert Sheaffer’s Psychic Vibrations column has been entertaining readers of The Skeptical Inquirer, while keeping them informed of weird developments in the “science” of UFOs, psychic research, ...
Or will the wisdom of this elusive creature be beyond his grasp? An intriguing, personal account, this book explores the author's experiences along the path to spiritual enlightenment.
Looking at the evolution of Christian writings and doctrines exactly as skeptics investigate contemporary accounts of UFO abductions or psychic wonders, Sheaffer shows how early Christian writers altered historical facts to make the new ...
The numbers of the resentful will continue to increase as long as the government subsidizes resentment by supporting any and all who refuse to accept the discipline of work.