inauthor:"Carles Boix" from
Backed up by detailed historical work and extensive statistical analysis that goes back to the mid-nineteenth century, this book explains, among many other things, why democracy emerged in classical Athens.
inauthor:"Carles Boix" from
Combining ethnographical material, historical cases, and statistical analysis, this book describes the foundations of stateless societies, why and how states emerge, and the basis of political obligation.
inauthor:"Carles Boix" from
Essential reading for these uncertain times, Democratic Capitalism at the Crossroads proposes sensible policy solutions that can help harness the unruly forces of capitalism to preserve democracy and meet the challenges that lie ahead.
inauthor:"Carles Boix" from
This book describes the contrasting economic strategies pursued by conservative and social democratic governments.
inauthor:"Carles Boix" from
Ini adalah beberapa pertanyaan penting yang dibahas ilmuwan perbandingan politik. Dan di seputar pertanyaan-pertanyaan itulah, antara lain, buku ini disusun.
inauthor:"Carles Boix" from
Premi Idees Assaig Breu en la seva primera edició, aquest obra constitueix un ri gorós i innovador assaig d'aproximació històrica on s'assenyala la necessitat qu e el catalanisme renovi les seves estratègies polítiques davant del ...
inauthor:"Carles Boix" from
El parlament de Carles Boix i Serra, catedràtic de ciència política i afers públics a la Universitat de Princeton i membre corresponent de l’IEC, titulat «Catalunya, subjecte sobirà, a la recerca de garanties polítiques: el ...