" Newness and rootedness are the twin poles of Sight-Readings, Elizabeth Hardwick's brilliant new collection of essays. (Her first, Seduction and Betrayal, was nominated for the National Book Award.) Hardwick's focus here is on American ...
This collection of many unpublished works of American writer Djuna Barnes is accompanied by her autobiographical notes which describe the expatriate scene in Paris during the 1920s, including her interactions with James Joyce and Gertrude ...
The Tappan Zee Megaproject Philip Mark Plotch. 65. Clary and Halbfinger , " Cost of Replacing TZ Soars " ; Greg ... Stein Hudson ) , in author's possession ; Greg Clary , “ Agencies Tie up TZ Corridor Plan , ” Journal News , ( White ...
Dorothie and Martin Hellman reveal the secrets that allowed them to transform an almost failed marriage into one where they reclaimed the true love that they felt when they first met fifty years ago.
More than merely the story of one remarkable man, Justin Spring's Secret Historian is a moving portrait of homosexual life long before Stonewall and gay liberation.
... Philip J. The African Colonization Movement , 1816-1865 . New York : Columbia Univ . Press , 1961 . Stave , Bruce M. The New Deal and the Last Hurrah : Pittsburgh Machine Politics . Pittsburgh : Univ . of Pittsburgh Press , 1970 . Stein ...
... Stein went further and called this Hammett kind of detective story " the only really modern novel form . " Similarly ... Philip Rosenbach and his younger brother Dr. A. S. W. Rosenbach , the preeminent dealers of rare books ...
... Philip Randolph include Paula F. Pfeffer , A. Philip Randolph , Pioneer of the Civil Rights Movement ( Baton Rouge ... Stein , in Running Steel , Run- ning America : Race , Economic Policy , and the Decline of Liberalism ( Chapel ...
This “standard text of the defining era of gay literati” tells the cultural history of the interconnected lives of the 20th century's most influential gay writers (Philadelphia Inquirer).