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Robert C. Hornik, PhD, Senior Fellow
Penn LDI
Robert C. Hornik, PhD is the Wilbur Schramm Professor Emeritus of Communication and Health Policy at the Annenberg School for Communication.
38 months ago
How do media depictions of tobacco influence smoking decisions for young adults?
Penn Today
Two studies from the Annenberg School for Communication's Robert Hornik find that media portrayals of such behaviors can change actions and...
29 months ago
Wilbur Schramm; Wrote Many Works On Communications (Published 1987)
The New York Times
Wilbur Schramm, an authority on mass communications who was the author of 30 books, died Sunday at his home in Honolulu. He was 80 years old.
442 months ago
La ciencia de la comunicación humana, de Wilbur Schramm (II - II)
Buzos de la noticia
Varían muy poco los resultados electorales en EE. UU. Aunque las conclusiones del maestro de filosofía en la Universidad de Chicago,...
2 months ago
Umberto Eco: el banquete de Acapulco
Confabulario de El Universal.
POR MIGUEL SABIDO /. //// Como director del Instituto de Estudios de la Comunicación Humana me tocó diseñar con don Eulalio Ferrer el Primer...
104 months ago
Suzanne Gardinier
Sarah Lawrence College
Anita Stafford Chair in Service Learning. BA, University of Massachusetts-Amherst. MFA, Columbia University. Author of 12 books, most recently Amérika: The...
116 months ago
Francis Parkman book by Wilbur L. Schramm
Buy a cheap copy of Francis Parkman book by Wilbur L. Schramm. Free Shipping on all orders over $15.
63 months ago
Measuring Another Dimension of Newspaper Readership
Sage Journals
Studies of news readership, as we have come to know and use them, are mostly one-dimensional. They measure something akin to impressions: if a reader has...
70 months ago
The Beginnings of Communication Study in America
SAGE Publications Inc
Considered by most to be the founder of the field of communication studies, Wilbur Schramm could not be more qualified to write The Beginnings of...
111 months ago
John Nerone
John Nerone, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: 817 Followers, 109 Following, 68 Research papers. Research interests: History and Communication.
128 months ago