Looking at discrimination, education, environment, health and crime, this volume analyses United States Supreme Court rulings on several legal issues and proposed libertarian solutions to each problem.
He shows that this is not some libertarian pipe dream but the most practical application of free-market logic. Block is dealing with something that confronts us every day.
Weaved throughout, this book uses political philosophy to present three fundamental premises to explain this libertarian point of view. Firstly, this book defines the non-aggression principle (NAP).
However, beneath the surface, this book is also an outstanding work of microeconomic theory that explains the workings of economic forces in everyday events and affairs.
There may have been some enhancement in the lore and spiel of those who came before me. There might be a wee stretch in some of my contributions. But mostly this is the way it was.
Then this book provides robust understanding, discussions and applications for getting to the truth about this issue. This book applies libertarian property rights theory to a vexing controversy, abortion.
Derives an indicator for economic freedom based on personal choice, protection of private property, and freedom of exchange. Considers levels and trends in economic freedom, and their correlation with economic growth in 103 countries.
This book compares and contrasts the motivations, morality, and effectiveness of space exploration when pursued by private entrepreneurs as opposed to government.