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Thomas Sowell: Life is unfair, get over it, and tests measure the results
Daily Journal | Kankakee, Illinois
If there is ever a contest to pick which word has done the most damage to people's thinking, and to actions to carry out that thinking, my nomination would...
8 months ago
Five Young Black Men Watching and Discussing Thomas Sowell
It's 5 young black men watching Peter Robinson's interview of Thomas Sowell and discussing his ideas. I was riveted.
12 months ago
Book Review: Social Justice Fallacies
Cato Institute
In his new book Social Justice Fallacies, Thomas Sowell returns at age 93 to remind us once again that there is nothing new under the sun.
11 months ago
Consequences Matter: Thomas Sowell On “Social Justice Fallacies”
Hoover Institution
Thomas Sowell, age 93, is the Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow on Public Policy at the Hoover Institution. With his usual fierceness and...
14 months ago
Encountering Thomas Sowell – Thomas Chatterton Williams
Law & Liberty
As a conscientious liberal, Sowell leaves you with a nagging question: Why haven't you or anyone you know grappled with his work?
44 months ago
Thomas Sowell, An Intellectual Giant
Hoover Institution
Thomas Sowell turned 90 yesterday. An economist at the Hoover Institution, Sowell is possibly the most fascinating and productive scholar in...
53 months ago
The Enduring Relevance of Thomas Sowell
City Journal
Jason Riley talks with Brian Anderson about his new book, Maverick: A Biography of Thomas Sowell. They discuss Sowell's upbringing,...
41 months ago
Thomas Sowell Launches New Book, Social Justice Fallacies, on Uncommon Knowledge
Hoover Institution
The highly esteemed economist, public intellectual, and Hoover senior fellow Thomas Sowell has added yet another title to his bibliography of more than...
14 months ago
Wisdom from Thomas Sowell
I'll be discussion leader of a symposium this coming Friday and Saturday on the work of Thomas Sowell. I spent more time than I usually do...
20 months ago
The Nonconformist
City Journal
Over a lifetime of scholarship and public engagement, economist Thomas Sowell has illuminated controversial topics such as race, poverty, and culture.
52 months ago