The Body Multiple is an extraordinary ethnography of an ordinary disease. Drawing on fieldwork in a Dutch university hospital, Annemarie Mol looks at the day-to-day diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerosis.
Drawing on fieldwork at food conferences, research labs, health care facilities, restaurants, and her own kitchen table, Mol reassesses the work of authors such as Hannah Arendt, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Hans Jonas, and Emmanuel Levinas.
This book debunks this myth with an interdisciplinary and intercultural collection of essays that reveals the significantly varied ways practitioners of "conventional" Western medicine handle bodies, study test results, configure statistics ...
These essays examine complexity from a variety of perspectives and cover an array of case studies and topics that include market behaviour, medical interventions, aeronautical design, the governing of supranational states, ecology, road ...
El cuerpo múltiple es una etnografía extraordinaria de una enfermedad común. Basándose en trabajo de campo en un hospital universitario neerlandés, Annemarie Mol analiza el diagnóstico y el tratamiento cotidianos de la aterosclerosis.
Dans ce livre provoquant et original, Annemarie Mol montre que ce n'est pas, comme on l'a beaucoup dit, laisser les patients choisir. À partir de l'exemple des personnes atteintes de diabète, l'auteur propose une nouvelle manière de ...
Remet-tant en cause les vertus trop consensuelles du libre choix, s'interrogeant sur les bonnes pratiques, Ce que Soigner veut dire non seulement intéressera les spécialistes de sciences sociales ou les patients actifs, mais il pourra ...