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hace 3 días · WhatsApp is adding a new feature to make it easier to check received images for authenticity in an effort to combat the proliferation of misinformation, ...
hace 13 horas · idk what hpnd, but from today morning, any chat I open I only see a white background. but I can see homepage, sometime the app crashes sometimes not.
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Calificación (198,527,316) · Gratis · Android
hace 4 días · WhatsApp from Meta es una aplicación de mensajería y videollamadas GRATUITA usada por más de 2000 millones de personas en más de 180 países.
Calificación (245) · Gratis · Redes sociales
hace 6 días · With WhatsApp for Mac, you can conveniently sync all your chats to your computer. Message privately, make calls and share files with your friends, ...
Calificación (518) · Gratis · Redes sociales
hace 5 días · With WhatsApp for Mac, you can conveniently sync all your chats to your computer. Message privately, make calls and share files with your friends.
hace 24 horas · Hey Reddit, I'm in a bit of a shocking situation. My girlfriend wanted to check if I was chatting with other girls on WhatsApp (which I'm not).