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Cómo liberar espacio en tu celular accediendo a la “papelera oculta” de WhatsApp
El Diario NY
Las imágenes, videos, documentos, entre otros archivos recibidos en WhatsApp pueden ocasionar la ralentización de tu teléfono.
hace 22 minutos
WhatsApp has fixed its "View once" feature – but has left more of your data at risk
WhatsApp appears to have fixed issues with its "View Once" privacy feature that previously let users bypass the protection. First introduced in 2021,...
hace 13 horas
WhatsApp privacy bug still not fixed says crypto startup that found it
Zengo discovered that WhatsApp's View Once feature could be "trivially bypassed" when using the platform's web app.
hace 13 horas
FBI Urges iPhone, Android Users to Ditch WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Signal—Before It’s Too Late
The Daily Galaxy --Great Discoveries Channel
The FBI has raised an alarming red flag for iPhone and Android users, urging them to rethink their reliance on apps like WhatsApp, Messenger, and Signal.
hace 17 horas
Movie stars, matchmakers, and aunties: How WhatsApp became an unstoppable cultural force
Rest of World
WhatsApp has over 2 billion users, and in many parts of the world, the messaging app is synonymous with the internet itself.
hace 19 horas
FBI Warns iPhone, Android Users—Change WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Signal Apps
FBI warns all users to stop texting—but secure messaging apps must also be changed. Here's what you need to know.
hace 24 horas
WhatsApp will now tell if you should message your group or..
HT Tech
You will soon be able to quickly tell how many of your group members are online on WhatsApp.
hace 30 minutos
WhatsApp finally fixes View Once flaw that allowed theft of supposedly vanishing pics
The Register
WhatsApp has fixed a problem with its View Once feature, designed to protect people's privacy with automatically disappearing pictures and videos.
hace 23 horas
WhatsApp, Doc? Health workers in Africa deploy ordinary apps to make an extraordinary difference
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance
Popular messaging apps are so widely used in African countries that frontline workers report effectively leveraging them to extend the reach of preventive...
hace 15 horas
Kerala man loses Rs 4 crore after downloading an app from WhatsApp
India Today
A man from Kerala lost Rs 4.05 crore after falling victim to a cyber scam involving a fake investment app downloaded from a WhatsApp link.
hace 47 minutos