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American high schools have never been under more pressure to reform: student populations are more diverse than ever, resources are limited, and teachers are expected to teach to high standards for all students.
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This accessible book introduces teachers of EFL to intercultural language education by describing its history and theoretical principles, and by giving examples of classroom tasks.
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He not only offers practical advice but also considers larger questions about the value of the thesis-writing exercise in six different parts: • The Definition and Purpose of a Thesis • Choosing the Topic • Conducting the Research • ...
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This project attempts to tackle several challenges: - to experience the variety of different teaching cultures as a source of innovation rather than as an obstacle; - to adopt a pluridisciplinary approach by introducing references taken ...
Modulo de Información Escolar UAM from
Instructional and Cognitive Impacts of Web-Based Education is a compendium of materials by noted researchers and practitioners that addresses national and international issues and implications of Web-based instruction and learning, offering ...
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Goleman shows precisely how emotional intelligence can be nurtured and strengthened in all of us. Working with Emotional Intelligence Do you want to be more successful at work? Do you want to improve your chances of promotion?
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Part I includes chapters by Philip W. Jackson, Sigrun Gudmundsdottir, Carol Witherell, and Shirley Pendlebury, and looks at narrative in the practice of teaching, while considering the use of stories in organizing teaching and curriculum ...
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Using cooperative and partner learning models, this newly revised book illustrates how professionals can enhance their powers of creativity to facilitate learning and respond to academic and behavioral challenges, preK-12.