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People Who Had Really Creative Ideas For Their Resignation Letters, Tell Us How You Quit Your Job

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Most of the time, people who quit their jobs either submit a letter of resignation or simply tell their boss that they're leaving. Sometimes, however, people come up with creative — and hilarious — ways to leave their old jobs behind.

For example, this person brought in a "resignation cake."

congrats i'm putting my 2 weeks

And this person put in their two weeks notice with a condolence card.

i'm sorry for your loss, my last day will be sept 20th

And this person handed in a picture of a cat alongside their resignation letter.

this is a picture of my cat, it's also my 2 week notice

What's the most creative or hilarious way you (or one of your ex-coworkers) ever quit a job? Tell us all about it in the comments, and your story may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!