the Super Dictionary

A word of the day, the DC Dictionary way!

12 notes


Pop - Superboy drank his favorite pop. He drank his favorite soft drink with bubbles. He has tried many kinds of pops. When he took off the cap, the bottle went “pop.” The bottle made a short, loud sound. Superboy thinks it is fun to pop the bottle. He likes to open it with a sound. Yesterday, when he popped the bottle, he woke up Krypto.

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Can - Krypto eats a can of dog food every day. He eats food that comes in a round, covered, metal box. Krypto keeps his cans of food on the top of a tree.

Krypto can fly to the top of the tree whenever he gets hungry. He is able to fly to the top of the tree.

Filed under can krypto super dictionary word of the day c