Job Fairs are a great way to meet a number of employers under the same roof. However, it is easy to get lost in the sea of job seekers. To make a lasting impression in the mind of recruiters you will have to dress to impress. Here is how you pull off a professional look,

Men – Suit Up!

A suit always makes the best impression at a job interview. Go for a conservative color (grays, black or navy). Wear a collared shirt with a proper tie. Make sure your clothes are neatly pressed and clean. A wrinkled attire conveys a negative impression and so does a soiled shirt.

Wear professional shoes (preferably wing tips) with dark socks. White socks are a big no!

Groom to own the room

Facial hair no longer frowned upon if groomed properly. Make sure your hair is clean-styled. Even if you sport a long hair (short hair is the best) ensure it stays off your face and is neatly styled. Carry a good briefcase and wear a decent watch.

Women – Put on your halo

Conservative is the key to pulling off a professional look. Wear any suit with either a skirt or a formal pant. Make sure the blouse you wear compliments the suit and does not have a plunging neckline! Pants above the ankle or skirt too short are unwelcome.

Go easy on the eye

A light makeup with a not too strong scent or deodorant is what you should go with while attending an interview. If you have excessively long bangs, tie it up neat. Never play around with your hair in an interview. Avoid too tight or too loose fitting dresses. Visible tattoos are a turn off at the professional level.

Lastly, put your cell phone on silent since a ringing cell phone is always an irritant. Go easy on the jewelry and be organized with your papers. 

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