Cinnamon Hummingbird


(Amazilia Rutila)


Cinnamon Hummingbird, a rare vagrant to North America, is a bicolored

hummingbird with bronze-green upperparts and cinnamon colored underparts.

Cinnamon Hummingbird
BILL: long, slim, slightly down-curved red bill with a black tip.
SIZE: medium-sized, measuring about 3.9 inches, with a wingspan of 5-5.5 inches. They have pointed wings and squared tail.
WEIGHT:  around 5 grams.
COLOR: green, black, red, rufous, iridescent.
OPEN WOODLANDS: found in semi-open country and around woodland and forest edges, most often around deciduous or semi-deciduous forests, a variety of habitats at low elevations, such as plantations, scrublands with thorns, arid areas, and grassy fields and pastures.
NECTAR from flowers and sugar-water mixtures in hummingbird feeders.
INSECTS small insects and spiders.
NEST: a tidy cup-shaped nest made of fern tree scales and seed down, covered with lichen and bound with spider webbing, built 3-16 feet above ground in a tree or shrub.
EGGS: 2 eggs, white in color.
INCUBATION: 13-15 days, female only.
Hovering with their tails cocked upward as they are licking at the nectar from flowering shrubs, trees, and epiphytes, and perches low to high. They are aggressive near feeding areas and may defend their feeding territory.
Resident of the Pacific slopes of middle America from central Sinaloa in Mexico south to central Costa Rica, and the Caribbean slopes in the Yucatan Peninsula south to Honduras.
Cinnamon Hummingbird

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