hell girl (warning nudity)

a girl from hell i guess, hopefully she will look very mean one day.


Cool, I like the armor especially. I will be interested to see how the texturing plays out.


I really like the tecno stuff: always thought the hell should invest more in technology and research rather than on fire and forks.

maybe her calf to thick in the center, in side view.

Great model anyway, waiting for ups!

my only crit so far is the tail spikes, guaranteed to hurt no matter where she sits XD

but then, she is from hell

personally though, I’d like to see them flatter towards the butt and spikier further down the tail.

makes me think of a mecha Dungeon Keeper :slight_smile:

I’m totally digging this model. Can’t wait to see it finished!

very nice. Good work. Is it rigged?

Briliant model. As above armor is realy well done. one question: were does her legs ends, at second las joint or at last joint?

did you build it all in ploys or you used sculpt mode?

very quick update before i leave for download festival, havnt had alot of time lately.

thanks for all your comments.

adria - no sculpt just poly editing.

andromeda23 - i had pictured it so that bassically she has all her lag but no feet, so i guess that would be the second joint.

kkrawal - no it is not rigged yet, i tihnk i might import it in to 3ds max to rig it.



I simply love it! The arm straps and the stiches look great! The shoulders seem kindof wide. I don’t see why you don’t rig it in blender though.

Please, pleas I beg you, could you post a screenshot of your figure in edit mode.
I have lost of problems with poligon elge loop flow in subsuf, specially with girls faces, and I’d owe you the wolrd for that big favor.
please please

Her hands are too small. Hit ‘O’ and scale them by about 2x, maybe 1.5x.

Proportionally speaking they are too small, aside from that they look fine.

Cool - kinda got a Giger-esque feel to it when i first saw it

Please post a wire!

Thanks for your anwser. This arm looks nice but I have mixed fillings about that band around the wrist. Looks very odd.

found some time to try and do’s a bit more after and uber week of music in the sun, thanks for crits so far.

andromeda23 - yer i agree, i have tryed to chage it to make it a bit more in theme with the rest of the girl.

zog34 - thanks, i have resized the hands, they look much better now.

QuixoticSmile - thanks, i would rig it in blender but i tihnk it would get better results from max, as its much more user freindly when it comes to rigging, i find assighning each individual vert to bones very manotinus, but who knows, maybe will try both :slight_smile:

adria - couple of wires, i hope they help you.

http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h26/porka/hell%20chick/wire1.jpg http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h26/porka/hell%20chick/wire2.jpg




nice model

here is semblable model, much semblable :eyebrowlift2:
final model

and here is WIP


shouldn’t the hinge on her right arm thing be going up and down rather than side to side? in that position she cant bend her elbow.

Outstanding modeling! The leg armor reminds me UT3 - Akasha’s outfit.
I was thinking about something on her neck, just for decaration you know. :slight_smile:
Keep it up.

after seeingin bumkins post i thought i would try and make my hell girl a bit more unique (though that one puts mine to shame atm) so i tohught wings, as i can imagine the terrain in hell isnt very forgivining, so what better way to get around than fly!

bumpkin - the are one and the same it would appear, however i tihnk im working off a
differnt set of references to what that guy was using.

rdo3 - i see what you mean rdo3, but the buckle is actully more on one side of the inner elbow? than the other, so the buckle would be sorta between her bicep and forarm when she bends her arm, however having said that it does look a bit wrong, so yes, that needs changing.

CG-Predator - i hadnt thought of that, but yes, it does remind of akasha now :eyebrowlift:, and ill definatly be adding stuff on/around her neck.

