Final Fantasy X Kimahri Ronso

I posted this Blender animation on YouTube on Oct 21, 2022. Just thought I should share it here as well, so it can be part of my portfolio. Here is shortened version of what I posted along with it:
“Also Special Thanks to
Blender for providing such great open source programs.
Final Fantasy RPG which inspired me to take a shot at it.
thanks to Jasper Flick for his beautiful shader code which I exchanged to Blender’s shader material. " Directional Flow". "
The Original post on YouTube includes the links for the “Special Thanks” section.

Composited by Davinci resolve 18
Rendered by Blender 3.0 EEVEE ( Fires rendered by Cycle )

It made 4K video. Hope watching as full mode. and It will take some time for the Kimahri to show up.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you so much. Sorry for reply too late. I belatedly read the article because I was taking care of my mother.

Currently, my mother suffers from dementia and is in very serious condition. The above work was also made after taking time to put her mother to sleep.
I’m not good at English, so I don’t know if what I intended was conveyed properly.

Thank you so much again. Have a great day.!

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