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¿Por qué es tan famoso San Miguel de Allende?
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San Miguel de Allende
Ciudad en México
San Miguel de Allende, una ciudad de la época colonial en la zona alta central de México, es conocida por su arquitectura barroca española, su activa escena artística y sus festivales culturales. En el centro histórico de adoquines de la ciudad,...
Elevación: 6,234 ft
Alcalde: Mauricio Trejo Pureco
Clave Lada: 415
Clima: Semiárido cálido BSh (Estepario cálido)
Entidad: Localidad
Gentilicio: Sanmiguelense
IDH (2015): 0.850 – Muy alto
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Founded in the 16th century, San Miguel de Allende is known for old world charm and first world amenities. A lively nightlife and abundance of fine ...
10 jul 2024 · A Colonial-era town known for its charming cobblestone streets, stunning architecture, and global food scene: San Miguel de Allende.
Catas de vinos · Viñedo, tour, cata y diversion cultural en San Miguel de Allende · San Miguel de Allende: degustación de bebidas tradicionales mexicanas.
29 feb 2024 · Explore the enchanting San Miguel de Allende with our comprehensive city guide. From luxurious stays at Rosewood to vibrant art scenes and ...
The town is called San Miguel de Allende, and it's located in the Colonial Highlands region. It offers a lot of benefits: temperate climate, low cost of living, ...
(54) · $26.72 · Disponible
Lovingly crafted photo book of San Miguel, a UNESCO World Heritage Site consistently voted one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
Culturally thriving and fiercely artistic, San Miguel De Allende is the heart of colonial Mexico, and its lovely cobblestone streets beg further exploration.
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